Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Pacific Coping Strategies

Next couple of posts will be about the strategies proposed or in place to combat the effects of climate change. In this one I will be focusing on the island Fiji, more about how climate change is affecting the island, coping strategies will come later.

To start off the theme, there are two main types of coping strategies; adaption and mitigation. Adaption will be a big talking point; it’s the most popular method:

Adaption; the ideal would be to create a shell, like the hermit crab and create our own perfect microhabitat (Reese 1969). Although saying that, humans have been adapting to climate change since the start of our very existence, we have an inherent capacity for it (Adger 2003). Adaption is a strategy that all Pacific Islands will have to consider when combating the effects of climate change. 

Climate change is attacking social, political and economic stability on most of the islands in the Pacific. Climate change is affecting tourism, which is the economic backbone for many island states.

Fiji is the most popular tourist destination in the South Pacific, however its tourist industry is volatile (Becken 2005). Fijis tourist trade will be affected by climate change through; the increased frequency and intensity of storms, and extreme weather events, but also through sea level rise, changing temperatures and precipitation patterns (Brecken 2005). As in other developing countries, this vulnerability is aggravated by limited institutional capacity, non-availability of technologies, ill-enforced regulatory frameworks, and lack of financing (Becken 2005)

In 1998, tourism earned F$568 million in foreign exchange, while sugar only earned F$244 million (Narayan, 2000). With the collapse of the sugar industry and increase in the tourist industry, tourism has become their largest and single most important asset to their economy (Becken 2005).

Selling Fiji to tourists is incredibly important, videos like this show how they sell themselves

About 90% of Fijis infrastructure and population reside in the low lying areas of the island (Becken 2005). This makes them vulnerable to flooding and salt water intrusion. Fiji is made up of a few islands, some being low lying attol islands (Maldives, Kiribas) and others being higher such as Viti Levu, these offer more room for activities further inland and away from the threat of rising sea levels (Becken 2005).

Coastal retreat is posing a threat to beaches and coastal activities for tourism. Over the last few decades the coast has retreated some 15-20 m in certain parts of Fiji (Mimura and Nunn 1994). Coastal retreat and erosion is being caused by changing wind patterns and strength (Becken 2005). Changes have been occurring in shoreline features. Insurance firms are resistant in including climate caused hazards in their claims, and investment in coastal areas have decreased (Becken 2005). Overall sea level variability and rise have been affecting tourism building stocks and beaches. Major coastal ecosystems will be damaged by climate change, corals and fishes have high touristic and economic value. Human impact on the environment, eg deforestation and pollution has reduced the capacity to cope with climate change impacts. 

On the 1st December there was an article written about the importance of adaptation in the Pacific. A UN study showed that island states could face losses of up to 18% of GDP from climate change (Observer 2012). The Pacific Environment and Climate Change Outlook (SPREP) said losses would result from sea level rise and extreme weather, combined with pressures from unsustainable fishing practices and coastal development. There are fears on some Islands that climate change will affect the life so severely that relocation is the adaption strategy, which is mentioned in a video I had previously posted in my blog (Marshall Island Video). As some of the affects of climate change have already occurred, adaption is a strategy all islands will have to follow. There are ongoing attempts to compliment these measures with mitigation strategies. The 18th UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, should hopefully bring good news to the Pacific as it will encourage polluting countries to reduce their carbon emissions. Talks began on Monday and ends on December 7 (Observer 2012)

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